Current Project Information
The West Colfax Safety Project is an opportunity to create a safer and more comfortable experience for pedestrians, transit users, and motorists along the iconic West Colfax Avenue in Lakewood, between Sheridan boulevard and Teller street. This segment of West Colfax has the highest concentration of traffic injuries and deaths in Lakewood; in a five-year period ending in 2019, there were six deaths, with multiple additional deaths since that study period.
Phase 1:
This phase focuses on West Colfax median improvements. Project elements include a more continuous center median, roadway lighting, utility design and coordination, landscaping, irrigation system, and pedestrian “Z” crossings mid-block between signalized intersections. The Z crossings will create designated areas for pedestrians to cross Colfax and make those crossings more predictable for motorists while providing greater protection for pedestrians. Construction of this phase is expected to be initiated in the second quarter of 2024.
Phase 2:
Project elements include curbside improvements focused on repurposing the outside traffic lane for pedestrian use from Sheridan Boulevard to Teller Street. This phase will also include installing continuous sidewalks along this segment. Other improvements will include access management, a new traffic signal and pedestrian hybrid beacons at Z-crossings, utility design, new bus lane pullouts, pedestrian lighting, a pedestrian detection system, storm water system improvements, landscaping, placemaking elements, and public art. Construction of Phase 2 is expected to begin in mid-to-late 2024. Upon completion of Phase 2, the West Colfax Safety Project will be completed.
For more background on the project please visit the Lakewood Together West Colfax Safety Project (here).