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Why do we need to shut down a lane and each direction when there are only 3 buildings thathree buildings that keep Colfax from being walkable now ? It would be cheaper to buy those 3 run down buildings And save the taxpayers millions..
There are significant pedestrian and vehicular safety issues and a lack of walkability conditions within the entire segment of Colfax Avenue between Sheridan Boulevard and Teller Street. One of the main purposes of this project is to improve safety, including pedestrian safety and providing pedestrian facilities comfortable for anyone regardless of physical abilities. The project is achieving this goal by providing sidewalks that are buffered from traffic, reducing pedestrian crossing distances (to reduce exposure to vehicles) and by providing safe crossing locations. To provide all these safety enhancements, the project needs to repurpose the outside lanes. An added benefit of this lane repurposing is the expected reduction of speeds due to the effect of roadside elements closer to the driver as noted in their peripheral field of vision.
We need traffic calming, it's way too easy to speed on this straight 6 lane stroad. Exhibit A: https://kdvr.com/news/local/driver-clocked-going-73-mph-on-colfax-in-subaru/
Repurposing of the outside lanes will result in a narrower road along with roadside elements such as landscaping. Speed choices or cues are influenced by a driver’s peripheral vision. By bringing these roadside elements closer and into the field of view, drivers have been shown to feel they are going faster as compared to a wider roadway. Hence, the new design of a narrower West Colfax is expected to result in traffic calming and slower speeds.
Hello! Brian here again. Will the speed limit be reduced on Colfax Avenue in this area? Reducing vehicular speeds greatly increases safety and decreases the likelihood of injury or death from collisions. If we want this section of Colfax to become a safer place, or destination, reducing the speed seems like an appropriate step (and low cost). For travelers going through the area, the reduced speed will encourage them to use other roads (6th ave, I-70) designed to get people from one place to another. Needless to say, I think speed should be reduced on Colfax, at least in this section, so that we can make it more of a destination as opposed to a thoroughfare. "Strong Towns" and "Confessions of a Recovering Engineer" by Charles Marohn Jr. greatly encourage speed reductions for place making and building community wealth, I think this is a prime example of somewhere that could have speed reductions. If not for building the community, but for making it safer for those within it and traveling to it. Myself being one of them.
Hi Brian,
CDOT sets speed limit on state highways. Once the project is complete, speed limits would be reassessed at that time to determine if 35 m.p.h. is still the appropriate speed limit, or if the majority of motorists are travelling at a reduced speed. If the latter is the case, CDOT as the owner of the roadway may consider reducing the posted speed limit. One of the main issues that has resulted in this stretch of West Colfax having the highest concentration of injuries and deaths has been pedestrians crossing in unexpected locations and times. This project will address this issue to make it safer for both motorists and pedestrians. Additionally, significant differences in the speeds that motorists drive, with some driving significantly over the speed limit and some driving under it, also create unsafe conditions that lead to crashes. The new design will reduce speed differentials on West Colfax, benefiting motorists and pedestrians alike.
Thank you, The Lakewood Safety Project Team
With the likely addition of trees/shrubs/flowers as this project is worked on, is there a plan to focus on using plants that are native to Colorado? This would provide a wide range of benefits to local ecology and would in most cases require the least amount of resources to maintain.
Thank you for your question. The next phase of this work will dig into the specific of design elements, including any plantings that are included. Your idea for using native plants and the multiple benefits is certainly something that the team will keep in mind and recognizes the benefit of doing. We hope that as these questions are brought up you will continue to be involved and share these ideas in upcoming opportunities, such as the visual preference survey and public meeting.
Hi! In the JCBS Shopping Center (Casa Bonita, Planet Fitness, Westfax Brewing), there is a lot of unused business space and parking spaces. Is there any plan to either attract businesses or repurpose the unused space? With the increasing population density of the area, the area seems to have a lot of potential that is unfulfilled. Thanks! Brian
Thank you for reaching out and for your interest in Lamar Station Plaza (Casa Bonita shopping center) and the Safety Project. I work closely with the owners of Lamar Station Plaza to keep tenants in the center as well as attract new tenants. The new additions to the area, proximity to the galleries, location on the ArtLine and other amenities are making this center a gathering place for many. We continue to reach out to retail and entertainment uses to fill vacant spaces and create new exciting interactions for visitors to the center. We are also working with other neighborhood uses such as healthcare providers, offices and others to add vibrancy, jobs and activity to the center. Promotion is a large part of our collaboration as well, to promote all existing and new businesses to visitors to include their openings, events and anniversaries. I am happy to answer any additional questions you may have on our recruitment and attraction process and how it works if you are interested. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Vanessa Zarate, CEcD
Senior Economic Development Specialist
City of Lakewood